Entdecken Sie unseren Spa, wo man Entspannung angesagt ist.
Unsere Spa „Enrosadira“
At the end of an active day in contact with nature, relax your body in this warm and intimate atmosphere.
We offer you a wellness time dedicated only to you. Discover our Finnish Sauna and aromatic Aufguss routes; lightweight Bio Sauna with Cirmolo needles, ideal for low pressure sufferers, to warm and relax your muscles; the Turkish bath that thanks to the principles of salt and moisture of the room promotes regular breathing, cleanses your lungs and helps you fight annoying colds; the cold Ice Cave to quickly react to your circulation after the warm relaxation …
… and now, enjoy a sweet herbal tea, under the warm warmth of a blanket, lulled by the wooden floating chairs! Good Relax
Wellness area accessible to adults only, from 2.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.